Environment - Grade: 3° Honesty is always right T opic: Environmental elements: tree, park, animals, river, ocean. I take care of my city What do you do to help the environment? Clean and green https://1c7951e0f713f82c10d3-9c5e6fbd2c9d828eb37b6bf0399bddd6.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/clean-green/index.html 1. Practice listening. Da click aquí👇 Our Only World When you recycle rubbish, you put it in a special container so it is used again. 'Do you recycle rubbish at home?' 'Yes, we recycle glass, plastic and paper.' 'So do we.‘ Vídeo Environment - Grade: 4° Honesty is always right 1. Practice listening. Da click aquí👇 Our Only World